Thursday, October 6, 2011


Lesson plan for Webquest

Ms. Karla Chavez

Susana Zapata

Pedagogy in English

Patricio Onetto

Pedagogy in English

Lesson plan for webquest


Theme: searching and selecting general material using webquest.

Lesson topic: searching and selecting facts on preparing for a job interview.

Grade: 12

Standard : Mineduc 4º planes y programas unidad 2


Content objectives:

To search and select information referring to topic.

To apply information on webquest

Language objectives:

To produce a curriculum

To distinguish between a properly written curriculum and a one not written properly

To compare between a good interview and a bad one..

To reproduce an oral presentation of the webquest and of the job interview simulation.

Cognitive skills :

Research : facts on preparation for a job interview and writing a curriculum

Organize: information researched

Analyze: select information referring to the topic (curriculum and interview skills).

Synthesize: design and compose a curriculum

Create a web quest using all the information

Linguistic skills :

Reading : skimming and scanning different texts.

Writing: a curriculum using a format and adequate language.

Speaking: oral presentation in English of the webquest and job interview simulation. (role played)

Learning strategies

Using internet in a selective manner. Using visual aids. Using listening aids, developing vocabulary through research reading. group work to develop cooperative skills. Using webquest as an aid to present project.

Key vocabulary:

Job interview, curriculum, personal presentation



Internet connection

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Gloster Lesson plan

Lesson plan for Glogster

Ms. Karla Chavez

Susana Zapata

Pedagogy in English

Patricio Onetto

Pedagogy in English

Lesson plan for Glogster


Theme: searching and selecting general material using Glogster.

Lesson topic: searching and selecting facts on the popularity of a famous singerr to present on Glogster.

Grade: 12

Standard : Mineduc 2º 4 unidad. Mineduc planes y programas.


Content objectives:

To search and select information referring to topic.

To apply information on Glogster

Language objectives:

To produce a informative magazine type article

To apply proper format and language for a magazine type article.

To reproduce an oral presentation of the glogster.

Cognitive skills :

Research : facts on the artist

Organize: information researched

Analyze: select information referring to the artist.

Synthesize: design and compose a magazine article

Linguistic skills :

Reading : skimming and scanning different texts.

Writing: a magazine type article using the proper format and language.

Speaking: oral presentation in English of the Glogster

Learning strategies

Using internet in a selective manner. Using visual aids. Using audio aids, developing vocabulary through research reading. Pair work to develop cooperative skills. Using glogster as an aid to present project.

Key vocabulary:

Famous singer, magazine article, informative, tools



Internet connection

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